Discernment between “Low vibe” and E-motions
There’s a common mis-inner-standing between having a low vibration and feeling an emotion.
Working with clients I see this come up a lot - the need to be “high vibe” all of the time and if you’re not there’s something wrong with you and you MUST do whatever it takes to shift your vibration and fast otherwise you will manifest bad things.
You may even start to concoct different stories that say “There’s something wrong with me”, “It’s not okay to feel this”, “I’m not safe to feel this”, “I’m not good enough”,”I’m not worthy of love”, “Others won’t want to be around me if I’m low vibe”
You can get caught up in feeling bad, thinking “bad” thoughts, feeling shameful, guilty, wrong, resentful, angry, frustrated, you may find yourself looking for others to blame or even try to bring others down to your level so you can feel better about yourself, so you can prove that you’re not the only one, it’s not just you - misery loves company.
Feeling alone is detrimental to our health and well-being and so bringing others down can be a way to not feel alone.
But it’s not the way to heal the inner loneliness, in fact it will actually amplify the feeling of loneliness because what you’re truly craving is the reconnection to your true self.
To find the love, acceptance, connection and belonging inside yourself is what will uplift your state of being and your life. It will heal the stories that keep you in this so called “low vibe” and bring you back into your natural state of equilibrium.
There has been a rise in this comparison of low vibe and high vibe making you feel bad, wrong and shameful for feeling emotions that are natural to feel.
Emotions are not good or bad - they are energy in motion - and when you resist feeling an emotion, it gets stuck and causes dis-ease and disharmony in your life.
Emotions are not bad, they are not what you perceive as low vibe. They are simply energy. It’s okay to feel all of them, in fact we are here in this human experience to feel ALL that it means to be human.
What creates the feeling of low vibration is the stories you attach to the emotion that gets you stuck in a loop of thoughts, feelings and actions that send you into more of these same thoughts, feelings, actions - these stories are attached to core beliefs that are buried deep in the subconscious mind and body.
These core beliefs were formed in early childhood. When you came into the world, you were a beautiful little sponge, absorbing the external world to learn how to be and who to be in the world. Trauma is part of the human condition, no one escapes it. It can be so subtle and often we forget what happened to create it, but the body remembers everything.
Being creator beings we start to create from this subconscious place that holds beliefs about ourself and the world, the trauma, programs, patterns, habits, behaviours and the experiences you experienced as a child.
The healing journey consists of unpacking these core beliefs to gain awareness on why you are the way you are, what isn’t truly you and as you shed these layers, you are guided home to your true self and aligned life, where you begin to create you reality consciously and with intention.
Discernment is VITAL in order to find your way home but it takes time to build and strengthen this skill. Often emotions, stories and beliefs can derail you and make you think and believe things that aren’t actually truth and so it is a practice. It is not something you can get perfectly or that you should try to get perfectly. Perfection is another way we cope and derail ourselves from truth.
Discerning between Low Vibe & E-Motions
In order to discern between what’s an emotion and what’s a low vibration, you need to come into the present moment and become curious about your experience and let go of judgement.
Notice what the story you are telling yourself is… “I am low vibe because this thing happened to me in the past and it makes me act this way, feel this way and therefore I am low vibe and there’s something wrong with me and I need to do XYZ in order to fix it”
Notice what the emotion is - tune in and feel… “I feel sad, frustrated, angry, resentful, resistance, numb…”
Can you tune into the emotion - just the emotion - let go of the story for now.
What do you notice as you tune into the emotion.. for example, sad
What sensations are present?
Slumped shoulders, powerless, pain in a certain area, heaviness, heartache…
If there’s tension, where is it, what does it feel like.. tight, hard, painful, constricting
Is there a colour… texture…
Describe it all - write it down, say it aloud or silently to yourself…
You may notice tears arising, let them flow
Lean into the discomfort
And remind yourself it’s okay to feel this, I am safe to feel this
Place your hand on your heart and repeat aloud - “It’s okay to feel this, I am safe to feel this”
Notice what shifts in your body, how it feels to give yourself permission to feel
What happens when you give yourself permission to feel is that there’s a natural release → an expression…
You feel sad and then it begins to move, shift, release and the sadness begins to lift.
You may not jump straight to happy but it shifts and you can find a sense of peace and inner calm, okayness
What ever the next feeling is, lean into that, let yourself feel that fully and as you do - notice how that shifts, moves, releases - where do you go next??
Get curious.
Did you notice as you became more present with your experience how different you feel toward the emotion?
And as you come out of the emotion - did you notice that you survived?
A common misconception is - if I let myself fully feel this, I won’t survive, I won’t get out of the dark hole…
This is not true.
In actual fact, it’s through resistance that we sustain and FEED the energy/emotion/story
When you come into acknowledgement and shine your light of awareness unto the emotion/story/belief, that’s where tru power resides.
If you’re experiencing low vibrational frequency, know that there’s nothing wrong with you.
There’s a powerful message to be received, an incredibly opportunity for healing, growth and expansion.. It’s as if the “low vibe” is leading you to even higher vibes than you could ever imagine.
We live in polarity, without one, how would you know the other.
Try and numb one and you will become numb to the other → in the avoidance of “low vibe” you actually strengthen the low and avoid the “high vibe”
What you resist persists.
The solution → Embrace ALL of life.
Check out my previous post - The Emotional Flow State - to learn more about flowing with your emotions and living in Flow State.