Anger is a powerful teacher

The Good Girl Unleashed Podcast | Available on Apple, Google, Spotify & Podbean

Anger is often perceived as wrong and bad.

What is anger for you?

Take a moment and ponder that. When you think about anger, what comes up? How does it make you feel?

Is there resistance toward anger? Judgement?

Anger isn’t bad, it’s not wrong. It’s a natural emotion and it offers powerful messages, guidance and wisdom.

Anger is letting you know that something in your reality is out of alignment, there’s an area in your life that needs your acknowledgement.

Likely there are boundaries that have not be expressed, supported or respected either from yourself or another you are interacting with.

Anger is a powerful emotion and offers you the energy, strength and courage required to make difficult choices, set boundaries and align yourself.

As with everything in this world, there is polarity that comes with anger… There is healthy, productive anger and unhealthy anger that doesn’t serve you.

When you learn how to hold space for yourself and your anger, you can channel your anger in healthy ways, it can serve you greatly in becoming your most authentic, aligned self. When you suppress, avoid and resist anger, you give away your power and you let the anger control you. You may find yourself becoming reactive, passive aggressive, lashing out, blaming, or distancing yourself from the people and experiences that trigger you.

Maybe you’ve learned to stay small and quiet and act as if things just don’t bother you, when in fact they do.

You may feel like a doormat or pushover or unworthy of being heard, constantly giving your power away to those around you, allowing others to dictate your life experience. You may find that overtime you can’t hold it in anymore and it bursts out, leaving you feeling ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated and guilty.

These experiences may lead you to believe it’s Anger that’s at fault, it’s a bad emotion and if only you could find a way to control yourself, be perfect, stay quiet, stay in line, all would be good, if you avoid certain people and situations altogether, you’ll be okay. You may be searching for something that will get rid of your anger for good.. This is not possible.

Anger is part of the human experience and a very important part.

Anger is your teacher, your guide, supporting you in reconnecting to your authentic self and living in alignment.

Anger reminds you of how truly powerful you are.

Perhaps you feel afraid of your power?

You may have witnessed others overpowering others, getting angry or controlling or demanding of others and using their power against another or to hurt another. This can cause you to resist your own power because you’re afraid that by embracing your power, you will hurt someone.

This is not true.

Your authentic personal power is not capable of hurting another.

It’s the suppressed wounds, traumas and fear that causes one to hurt another. When you are truly aligned and in your power, you will use your power to support yourself, set authentic boundaries and support others to step into their power. Your personal power allows you to speak up for yourself, respect yourself, and it will allow you to assert and meet your own needs.

No longer will you be at the mercy of another or need another to meet your needs for you. No longer will you rely on another to fix you, heal you, be your everything, take care of you. You will reconnect to your authenticity, your inner strength, resilience and inner knowing. You will step into your truth and feel safe to embrace life and let others into your heart from your worth instead of your wound.

You will become magnetic for your desired life, the people, places, opportunities and synchronicities offering you the most magnificent experience.

When you experience challenge and hardship you will know that you can handle it, you will be able to receive the inner guidance that will support you through the experience, you will have access to the inner strength and courage to move through the emotions and challenges and as you do, you will become even stronger, clearer and aligned.

Your power will continue to expand and you will be able to support others in stepping into their power, their authenticity, their fullest and brightest expression.

And together… WE RISE!!

Anger is a friend, a wise teacher.

You need not fear anger. Anger is here to guide you home.

I often see people go one of two ways with anger.. Either suppressing it completely, not allowing themselves to feel or express it at all, using coping mechanisms for years and years to avoid their own anger as well as angry people. Often tending to be the perfectionist and people pleaser.

Others may find their anger overtakes them, they find themselves becoming explosive, reactive and their anger is uncontainable, causing deep shame and the belief that there’s something wrong with me. It can be all consuming and cause great suffering.

Many feel that by leaning into their anger and allowing themselves to feel and embrace anger they will attract more of it.

I’ve said this before and I will say it again and again (I repeat myself intentionally)

What you resist, suppress and avoid PERSISTS!!!

It is through leaning into your emotion, feeling it fully and expressing yourself authentically without judgement or attachment that the emotion, trauma, story, belief, conditioning is able to release, heal and integrate. And through this process you receive the gifts of wisdom from your experience.

It’s like speckles of gold washing over you and through you as you create space to receive.

All of a sudden something opens up within you and powerful insights come flooding in. Things make sense, ah-ha moments, joy, expansion, euphoria, all those happy hormones, yummmm-eeeeee!!!

Enjoy it.

Enjoy your anger.

Enjoy your expression.

Enjoy your power.

Enjoy your human experience.

You’ve got this my beautiful human experience companion.

I’d love to hear from you, what’s your relationship to anger?
Comment below

Big love,
Mon xx


Your voice is sacred..


Holding space for yourself