September 2023 Intuitive Message

Welcome to the month of September, it has been an interesting start to the month for the family and I as we ended August with catching a little bug that's wiped us out for almost 2 weeks.

I always find it super interesting when I get unwell, it's not very often but when it happens it forces me into a state of surrender

Where the only thing for me to do is let go and trust the process

And when I do, wow do I receive some incredible gifts (more on these later, stay tuned).

Soo... I'm a pretty busy bee, I love doing things, I love creating things for our community, I have so many ideas I can't wait to birth into the world but patience is something I have had to work on.

I have had to work on focusing on one thing at a time so I can give it my all.

When we are scattered and split-focused, nothing is ever done the best that it could have been done, everything is kind of okay, and like at least it's done right?

Not for me, I've had to learn the discipline of saying "NO" to things or "not right now" and really prioritize what's most important right now, what is going to serve my highest good, the highest good of my family and the highest good of our community and humanity as a whole...

What lifts me up, elevates me, gives me the most joy and excitement

Or what is the thing that's going to propel me, my family, and this community forth with the most efficiency and ease... (This isn't always the most exciting thing)

It's a discipline to clear your plate and create space where you can actually focus on what's most important to you.

So many of us are rushing around trying to do it all ourselves, causing so much stress and overwhelm

And when you're in a state of stress and overwhelm, NO ONE is getting the best of you, people tip toe around you, not wanting to burst your bubble, or maybe they struggle being around you and find yourself clashing with those around you, being reactive and triggered.

We have been conditioned to believe the doing more is better, achieving more is better, and we have attached our value to how much we do.

Many of us have been conditioned to give give give until there's nothing left... What good does that do anyone?

When you end up burnt out and exhausted with nothing left, do the people in your life really want that for you? And if so, you may want to question who you're spending your time with

People who love you and respect you want the best for you.

And burning yourself out by giving everything you've got to everyone else EXCEPT YOU, is not what's best for you, it's not sustainable.

This month I invite you to take some time to reflect on what is most important in your life, start clearing away what's not important, and start prioritizing yourself.

And if the thought of prioritizing yourself causes the feeling of guilt or the thought "I couldn't possibly do that..." ask yourself where is that coming from and what is not prioritizing you actually costing you and those around you?

When you put everyone else first, you burn out, it causes resentment, stress, and anxiety, and enables the behavior of others to just keep taking and taking rather than being self-sustainable.

Often this comes from the belief that I am not enough and so we overcompensate by giving more.

I want to remind you, YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE DOING LIFE WITH, you are the one that needs to be taken care of, this doesn't mean we neglect our loved ones or community, it means we create time and space for ourselves, and we prioritise that.

When you do, notice how much shifts around you, not only will you feel better but those around you will feel better being around you and you may be surprised at what else shifts for you as well.

Give it a try.

Here's a little affirmation to support you this month

"I deserve to take time for myself, I deserve to be taken care of, and I choose to prioritize myself this month"

What’s On This Month:

Upcoming Ceremonies

Nelson, Sunday, 10th September 1 pm - 4 pm nzt

Cacao Ceremony, Breathwork & Sound Journey with Liam

Blenheim, Sunday 24th September 1 pm - 4 pm nzt

Cacao Ceremony, Breathwork & Sound Journey with Monique & Liam

Takaka, 3-Day Conscious Connections Retreat, 17-19 November

Email Monique for more info.

My Signature Program, The Sacred Art of Loving Yourself is currently open for enrolment

Enrolment closes this Sunday until 2024!!!

Now is your chance to join me and a group of amazing humans on the journey of a lifetime!

A 12-week journey of self-discovery, rebirth and reconnection.

For the Woman who is ready to take control of her life, her relationships, and her emotional state so that she can embrace a deeply connected life and build conscious, harmonious relationships.

Learn More Here


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