Activating your feminine power…

Here in the Western world we have been conditioned into living in a predominantly Masculine Energy Driven State, do do do and do some more, give give give and give some more… This conditioning has caused many people to lose touch with their Feminine Energy.

Conditioning happens in various ways from trauma and hurtful experiences in the past, stories and beliefs that were passed down from generations, what we learned in school, from our peers, what we witnessed, the media, movies, books, social media, and cultural norms, leading many to feel unsafe to be in their feminine

And what I am seeing constantly is the lack of awareness of this truth and the many negative impacts, after all this isn’t stuff that we are taught growing up…

So allow me to shed some light…

When you are constantly in a constant doing mode (do more, give more, achieve more) you burn out, you become exhausted, and rely on stress and adrenaline to keep you going which is detrimental to your health and well-being.

Same as when you’re giving giving giving, this will eventually lead to burnout and can also lead to resentment, which is pretty much like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die

When you’re in constant giving mode, what you don’t realize is you are not actually creating space for receiving and you find yourself getting pissed off at others for not reciprocating…

And you get caught up in a spiral of constant negative thinking patterns that create more of what you don’t want.

You are not designed to be in go mode for long periods of time, but many are stuck here for years and even decades.

Rest is just as (if not more) important than doing but you have been conditioned to believe your value/worth is dependant on how much you do, give, and achieve.

But when is it enough?

Once you accomplish one thing, you’re onto the next before you even have a moment to celebrate the accomplishment, it’s never enough…

And where does that come from?

The belief that I AM NEVER ENOUGH…

So what do you do?

How do you put an end to this conditioned cycle and start consciously shifting your state of being and create a new life of abundance, joy and balance…


Activating Your Inner Feminine

It is important to reconnect to your inner feminine and begin the process of balancing your masculine and feminine energies. This will allow you to step out of the constant doing/giving mode and create the foundational support system of the masculine that will allow your inner feminine to come forth.

Your feminine energy is your emotions, flow, intuition, softness, ability to surrender and receive, it’s vulnerability, it’s courage, it’s openness, connection…

Healthy masculine energy is grounded, strength, support, giving, boundaries, holding space, and presence.

We need both. And we need them to be in balance with each other, this is a dance. It’s important to know that balance will look differently for each individual, we are all unique, it’s discovering your own uniqueness and authentic expression of these two energies.

In order to balance these energies, you must heal the wounded masculine and the wounded feminine and build a strong internal support system that will allow them both to be expressed in their own unique way. And from there you get to PLAY with these energies, this process gets to be fun and enjoyable.

The Benefits of Activating Your Feminine Energy

By activating your feminine energy, you will be able to connect to the deeper emotions that you have been running from and integrate the wounds from the past so you do not have to keep running and running and burning yourself out. By integrating these emotions you will FREE yourself and liberate this stuck energy (that has been keeping you stuck) and you will actually feel more energized, lighter, and free to be yourself, your true self.

What many don’t realize is that when you numb and distract yourself from challenging “negative” emotions you actually numb yourself to all the beautiful, high-vibrational emotions too.

By connecting to your emotions you will expand your ability and capacity to be with elevated emotions such as joy, love, pleasure, aliveness, bliss, gratitude, and self-acceptance.

By activating your inner feminine you give yourself time to rest and recharge, creating space to heal, process, digest and integrate resulting in more energy, clarity, creativity, and inspiration.

You become more present and can actually enjoy life rather than racing off to the next thing.

You open up to receive, and your cup gets fuller and fuller, to a point of overflowing where those around you benefit from your overflow and they get filled up to…

All in all, you will be much happier, freer, and connected.

This will ripple out into all areas of your life, positively impacting your relationships, you will become MAGNETIC for beautiful things in your life, for the law of attraction states “like attracts like”, and when you are in an elevated state of being sending out positive thoughts (prayers) with elevated emotions you will attract more of the same.

The feminine is incredibly powerful and by denying and suppressing her, you are denying and suppressing your personal power.

My personal story…

When I first connected to my inner feminine, she felt completely foreign to me, as if it were a separate being, it was incredibly strange but the more I connected with her, the more familiar I became with her, and the more my inner child was able to trust her and let down her guards where I was able to receive the most profound support and safety within myself.

This allowed me to go into the deeper layers of wounding that had been guarded for so long that was preventing me from having the partnership and business I deeply desired, due to my lack of trust and letting people in,

I had the belief that I had to do it all on my own, other people would just mess it up, and it’s easier to do it myself…

That saying “Want something done right? Do it yourself” was definitely my motto…

By connecting to my inner feminine I was able to soften and allow myself to be supported and open up to my partner, which created deeper intimacy and connection and support, and it has allowed me to take the necessary steps to building a team and expanding my business.

I felt safer within myself and was able to shift a lot of the limiting stories that were holding me back.

I also became aware of how I was attacking my partner because I didn’t feel safe, criticizing him, nagging him, telling him what he was doing wrong, and projecting onto him because I didn’t feel safe. This caused so much damage on our relationship and often I am surprised we made it this far.

There were many times I wanted to leave because I didn’t feel safe. But it wasn’t him creating the unsafety, it was deeply embedded within me…

I had to heal my wounds, I had to learn to strengthen my inner masculine and heal my inner feminine to create a deep sense of safety so I could stop the constant triggers and alarm bells in my relationship.

And thank God I did because it was this deeper work that allowed me to heal the wounds that not only shifted my relationship to myself, but it transformed my relationship with my partner, and as I began showing up differently so did he… All from doing the internal work, it rippled out and he shifted to!

This allowed us to connect on a whole new level, I didn’t even know was possible…

You may have seen some of my posts around “the phase that’s even BETTER than the honeymoon phase…”

If not go check out my podcast, episode 63

This year I embarked on an incredibly deep and profound journey that allowed me to finally see what I have been so deeply afraid of, the stories I have been telling myself on an unconscious level that I wasn’t fully aware of

Through shining this light of awareness I was able to start shifting those stories.

One of my deepest stories was “I AM NOT ENOUGH” and I had this deep fear that eventually my partner would see this too…

My deeper fear was that if I allowed myself to be fully me that would be when he realised I wasn’t the one for him so I never allowed myself to be fully me, and in actual fact, this was the thing that was preventing us from going to the next level in our relationship

At the end of the day, it was me that was believing this story, not him.

I had to heal the wounds and release this story within myself, I had to start telling a new story and seeing myself in a new light.

The crazy thing, my partner often says how he could see through all of the masks from the beginning, he could feel my true essence from the beginning and that’s what attracted him to me (NOT MY MASKS) but I couldn’t understand this, it didn’t make sense…

Because I didn’t even know the real me, she had been buried for so long.

I have been on this journey for many years, unraveling the layers, getting closer and closer to the real me, but this year HOLY COW, it’s been real, and I can’t wait to share more about how I was able to create the inner safety that allows the real me to shine more and more brightly inside my EMBODY Masterclass.

I have worked with thousands of people over the last few years and witnessed tremendous transformations, people just like you!

I want to remind you that these transformations and breakthroughs don’t just happen to “special” people, they’re happening FOR the people who find the courage to show up and do the work.

And if you are willing to do the work, you will get these results too, you will get your breakthrough, and you WILL create the life you have been dreaming of, yearning for, hoping for… It is all possible, but you have to believe in that possibility and then show up and take action.

It is my desire to support you on this journey so you do not have to do it alone, I have been walking this path for 12 years now and I have learned a tremendous amount on this journey, I have discovered what truly works, what will actually get you the breakthrough you are looking for.

Inside my EMBODY Masterclass, I will be sharing with you the exact process that allowed me to activate my feminine energy and come back into balance which has completely transformed my life.

I have guided many of my clients and students through this process as well and have been ASTOUNDED how powerful this process has been for them to…

What has truly amazed me is how the more I embody this work and go even deeper into my own layers and healing, I become the embodied transmission of these teachings and practices that allows others to shift, heal and transform at exponential rates.

As I have said I have been on this journey for 12 years now but my clients are having massive transformations and breakthroughs after just one session, and in 12 weeks are completely NEW versions of themselves, they’re connected, confident, lighter, and have a new sense of freedom and aliveness.

My upcoming EMBODY Masterclass will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation where you will learn how to balance your masculine and feminine energies.

By Joining Us For The EMBODY Masterclass You Will...

❥ Connect to your Divine Feminine & Empowered Self so that you can flow through life with confidence and ease

❥ Embrace your full authentic self, uniqueness and feel fully ALIVE!

❥ Discover your innate worthiness & fall in love with yourself, all of you!

❥ Heal your relationship to your Divine Masculine, creating deep inner safety and support, so that you can be held through the waves of life

 ❥ Expand your capacity to feel, express and RECEIVE! 

❥ Unlock your inner radiance and shine your light! And become magnetic for the life and relationships you desire.


And you can join me today for just $27, but hurry, the price will be going up soon!

Register Here:


September Reflections


Divine Interventions